Citi Cash Back Credit Card
The Best cashback card for your daily spend
Apply and spend to receive gift combo value up to VND 3,500,000
Earn UNLIMITED cashback on every daily spend
Top 4 Cash Back Credit card features
Top 4 Cash Back Credit card features
Citi Cash Back Credit Card Promotions
Apply and get Citi Cash Back Card now

Annual fee of
VND 1,200,000

Minimum monthly gross income of
VND 8,000,000

Age 21 or older
Salaried Employee
- Your National ID/ Citizen ID/ Passport
- Labor contract
- Bank statements
- Proof of your current residence
*Terms and Conditions Apply
- Spend Categories depend on the MCCs that the Merchants registered with the Card Associations and the Merchant banks. MCCs may change without prior notice if Card Associations and/or the Merchants and/or the Merchant Banks decide to change them. Citibank holds no responsibility should the MCCs are inappropriately registered with Merchants’ business. More details here
- Maximum cash back earned VND 600,000 per statement month for the categories include Grab & Land Transportation; Recurring Subscriptions; Shopping; Insurance.
- Earn unlimited cash back for other categories that not listed as above.
- Minimum cash back for redemption is VND 1,000,000 per time and in multiple of VND 100,000. Effective from 05/07/2024.
- Citibank reserved the right to change cash back % without prior notice